Reflex massages
Physiotherapeutic reflex massages, based on the compression of specific points on the body, help to relieve long-term problems and pain in the musculoskeletal system. Choose a full-body reflex massage for total pain relief or a reflex foot massage that will suit you perfectly after hiking or sports performances.
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Physiotherapist will select the technique and touches that he will use by reflexion massage according to the current condition of your organism. Areas with changed sensibility of skin are searched in this type of massage. The masseur is more intensively focused on these areas. The massage is suitable in case of pains of cervical spine, shoulder muscles as well as in case if you suffer from migraine.

In case of reflexion massage of feet the massage is carried out on the basis of reflexion zones while concrete points of feet are stimulated with the aim to release the parts of the body connected with the feet. Reflexion massage is a great option for cervical and lumbar spines problems, as well as for other problems as asthma or allergy. The massage contributes to the overall harmonization of the organism, relaxation and detoxification.